Last time there was a session by Kushal about markdown - It was exactly to the point and simple but there were a lot of questions, complaining about the installation of the "discount" package which might have really annoyed the trainers.
Learning about markdown -
We can use many clients to which can convert markdown to html but i tried it with discount.
For installation -
dnf install discount
->create a file with .md extension
After saving use discount-mkd2html <filename>.md
<HTML> file is generated check it out.
We all learnt about Markdown but did anyone try the other way around?
Aaron wrote html2text, the python version can be easily installed using -
dnf install html2text - for fedora users
apt-get install html2text - for Ubuntu or Debian users
I tried kushal's command line tutorial html file and converted to text using this
Learning about markdown -
We can use many clients to which can convert markdown to html but i tried it with discount.
For installation -
dnf install discount
->create a file with .md extension
After saving use discount-mkd2html <filename>.md
<HTML> file is generated check it out.
We all learnt about Markdown but did anyone try the other way around?
Aaron wrote html2text, the python version can be easily installed using -
dnf install html2text - for fedora users
apt-get install html2text - for Ubuntu or Debian users
I tried kushal's command line tutorial html file and converted to text using this
Really nice show & tell :)
ReplyDeleteLooking to read more!
Thank you , Definitely there's more to come :)